Monday, June 24, 2013

Enchanting Origins: Natural Cleaning Products

Enchanting Origins: Natural Cleaning Products: Natural Cleaning Products  Are you tired of worrying about all the chemicals you bring into your house everyda...

Natural Cleaning Products

Natural Cleaning Products

 Are you tired of worrying about all the chemicals you bring into your house everyday just to clean?   I know I have been worried about this for a while.   Especially as the kids become teenagers I have to wonder if the chemicals were what made them teenagers! EEK! 

We have been working with our own handmade cleaning products for a while.  In our house we use homemade laundry soap, dishwasher soap, dryer balls, cleaning solutions, window cleaners and weed killer.  Pretty much anything you need we make at home.  The kids sometimes feel like they are living in an apothecary. 

Some of these products are easy to make some take a little more time.  I have found that these products end up being well worth the time.  Our family has a lot of experience with skin allergies.  We have tried many products over the years and I am now finally happy with our concoctions.  I feel better knowing the products our family is using are safe and effective.  So, we are expanding our beauty line to include a home cleaning division.    These products will now be available to you and your family.  The following are just a few of our first cleaning products available.

 Natural Laundry Soap
Our laundry soap is a natural, laundry soap with no fragrances, dyes or harmful chemicals.  The clothes come out smelling fresh and ready to go.  I like to use a vinegar rinse instead of fabric softener.  Just a splash will do!

Wooly Dryer Balls
Our wooly dryer balls are a great replacement for dryer sheets.  Unlike dryer sheets, our dryer balls do not contain any harmful chemicals.  They are great for softening your clothes and reducing dryer time.  Plus they can be fun to toss around.  Except when the dog thinks you are trying to play fetch and then you might have a fight on your hands.

Natural Dishwasher Soap
Our dishwasher soap is a natural dishwasher soap that works hard cleaning your dishes but is still safe for your family.  I like to know the utensils that go into our mouths aren’t full of chemicals.  No one wants to be radioactive.  Just add vinegar to your rinse cup instead of the expensive rinse agents.  Sparkly, clean dishes!

Order Your Natural Cleaning Products Now!